March 12, 2008

Travels, Part 2: Atlanta & Savannah

Oh what fun to go someplace warm and sunny (at least theoretically) in March! First stop: Starfire Drive, where the O'McReeds live. Despite the fact that half of the house is torn up and being renovated, we had a lovely time. A few dinners out (Indian and Mexican -- I'm truly feeling better!) were lovely, and a wonderful chance to catch up with T & J, who have set a date for their wedding: November 1. Yet another great time to visit someplace warm and sunny! My mother-in-law made it her personal mission to outfit me with maternity clothes for the length of my pregnancy, and I ended up with a much fuller bag than I started out with! We also found some absolutely adorable wall decorations for the kid's room, with beautiful pictures and alliterative alphabetical poetry.

I also decided it was time to start the Belly Project: Here I am at 19 weeks. As my friend Ximena said, I still look like I'm just eating too much, but I'll get there. Sooner rather than later would be nice. I feel pregnant, so I'd like to look pregnant, thanks. I have been wonderfully surprised by the fluttering little kicks and punches that I've been feeling sometimes. BO'B really likes to become active when I'm just relaxing. That doesn't bode well...

After a few days of family bliss, we went to Savannah for Barmecide's ACIS conference. Day 1 was lovely! We walked around, scoping out places to eat (always a must for a new city -- FOOD!) and meeting up with Gavin & Jen for the evening. Day 2, the three of those smarty-pants gave their papers, which were all wonderfully entertaining, even for a lawyer like me. Good job, all!

We spent the rest of the weekend exploring and eating and exploring some more. What a gorgeous city! Even there, however, my camera spent too much time in my bag... but here are some shots -- we saw FLOWERS! In MARCH! I think that was the best part... I also love the Spanish moss-laden oaks filling the picturesque squares throughout the city, and especially in Forsythe Park.

Some moss growing on the front steps of an Old Savannah House:

Those majestic oaks:

Barmecide did a little good ol' fashioned southern drinking, too -- here is one particularly special drink, which had more ingredients than I care to list here. Instead, I'll just show you the placemat, which details just how to make this, um, concoction:

Yay for fun in Savannah!

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