August 21, 2007

SO'B's Big Surprise

This happened to me last night. He spent the evening watching what turned out to be one of the worst movies ever made last night with Grimsaburger's Spouse. Now they often have hairbrained ideas while they hang out -- and last night was no exception. But it seemed tame enough - they discussed, at length, the kind(s) of sugar cereal they would buy and eat while enjoying SO'B's male-centered celebratory weekend commemorating his impeding nuptuals (read: bachelor party weekend). One preferred Honeycomb (a personal favorite of your's truly); the other liked some of the more traditional varieties: Froot Loops and the like. Anyway, I thought I had endured enough for the evening and, yawningly, slipped under the covers and took to Ian McEwan's Atonement (which is being made into a movie). In swaggers SO'B looking like, well, someone named Hank. It's all off as of this morning -- one of my requests before we swear fidelity for eternity was that I'd be able to see him clean-shaven -- but he swears that his goatee will make a comeback within the week. So: enjoy it now!

1 comment:

grimsaburger said...

Now I think it looks awesome, and he should wear it like that all the time. Spouse says it's the creepiest f-ing thing he's ever seen. So obviously, the 'stache (with accessory soul patch) should come back.